URL #1
URL #2
Part 1:
A. The first development indicator I chose was income per person. This means the amount of money that is being earned by each person. The second one I chose is poverty. Poverty is defined as the state of being really poor. My 3rd choice is life expectancy. This describes the average period that a person may expect to live. My final choice is aid received per person. This means help that each person receives.
B. Income per person affects economic development in many ways. First your income determines how developed you are, and if you add everyone's income in a country then you will see how much that country is developed. Also, if people are making more money than they will buy more things that later lead to development. Poverty is related to development because if people are in poverty than they don't have jobs. Jobs are part of development and if fewer people have jobs, than the country will be less developed than other countries. Life expectancy is another factor that determines how developed a country is. If your country has a higher life expectancy than its going to be more developed than a country with a low life expectancy. Last is aid received per person. If people are receiving aid then it could help the country. Receiving aid could also lower health problems because they are receiving help for it. All of these factors are related to economic development in some way.
Part 2:
A. The countries in Africa all have low life expectancies and they all receive a lot of aid. In East Asia, they also receive a lot of aid but the life expectancy there is really high. Poverty is a big issue in Africa, but it barely affects Europe and central Asia. Income per person is similar to poverty. Income is really high in Europe and central Asia, and this time it also includes parts of South America. Income per person is the lowest in many different countries in Africa.
B. The reason for low life expectancies, lots of aid, poverty issues, and low income per person in Africa is a result of many things. The first is disease. Disease is a big issue in Africa and because of it countries in Africa typically have low life expectancies. Because of Africa being the place that's most in need for materials, Africa receives the most aid. Poverty issues there are a cause of the lack of jobs and the result of few jobs is low income per person. East Asia is another place that still needs a little help, and because of that they also receive aid. Life expectancy is high in East Asia because of how developed they are. In Europe and central Asia, poverty barely happens here. Also, income per person is high due to the many jobs there are. South America also has a high income per person because of the type of jobs there.
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